Thursday, April 30, 2009
Rough Day....
The Return Of An Old Friend!
NOW, I have some exciting news! My friend Gail, the one I wrote about over a year plus ago, that left Pensacola to go help start a church in know, the one that is legally blind and just picked up and moved... I hope that will entice you to read about her; well, anyway, she is coming home! She will be moving back in June. We've already found her an apartment close to Olive and close to me (yeah!). Now, I need you to pray for Gail. Gail needs a washer and drier. It does not have to be new; she just needs it to work! Gail does not work, she lives on disability due to her blindness and social security. So, please pray for her, pray that the washer and drier will be provided in what she can afford.
Thanks ya'll. I have an AVON meeting this morning and am getting a hair cut afterwards. I haven't had a hair cut in months and months and need a "style." Even blow drying my hair leaves it stringy... ewe.
More later.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Prayer Request
Also, for over six months, he has been experiencing headaches, nose bleeds, light-headed, "weird" is how he has described it at times. He has been treated with four different rounds of antibiotics as the assumption was a sinus infection. The antibiotics haven't worked. He has a CT scheduled for 9:30 this morning.
I know it will be days before we get the results; so, if this crosses your mind, please pray for him.
Been awake since 3. I guess I'm up for the day. I was hoping to go back to sleep until 5; gonna try closing my eyes for a few minutes at least.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I got more gardening done today at home and at Memaw's. I love to garden; it is very therapeutic. I like to be able to get dirty and sweat...feels good to know I've worked hard. I usually have a good time talking with the Lord while I garden, very insightful.
Starting dinner...Spaghetti and meatballs...:)
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm Pooped!
Christopher and I planted over 142 seeds last week. They are doing good. It's exciting to see him excited over the new growth. We still have a good bit of work to do in the garden area before we can plant those seedlings. The kids and I also went to Memaw's today and planted a few things... not much, but enough for her to enjoy...I hope.
I have been doing pretty good about not being tired, until our trip to Panama City. I feel like I've "relapsed" on my exhaustion... I've doubled up on my Juice Plus, drinking lots of water, but man, I am plum pooped. I just can't seem to get things back in gear. Today is the first time I was even able to get up at 5 a.m. for my quiet time. While that was great; I've been dragging all day. In fact, I hope to be in bed by 8:30 tonight. Just don't know what's going on. Ready to be 100% again.
That's all for now.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday At The Paden's....
Chris went to Sam's for me as he has the Sam's card and I don't since I am not working at Pine Summit anymore.
The kids were ready to come in, so once Chris gets back home I'll had back out. I think he is going to umpire a couple ball games today. Some leagues are hosting a fundraiser tournament for something...can't remember...but he wanted to donate his time for that. Other than that, I don't have to go anywhere today! My house is a wreck as I haven't done anything since getting home from Panama City last week. I am thankful the tickets to the E-Women's Conference sold or I'd be there and not home. While I'm sure many will be blessed by it, for me, this particular weekend would have been just one more thing for me to have to do and put off one more thing at home that "has to be done."
Have pics of the kids to post later from the mud event in the driveway. I think I'm gonna try finding a truckload of pine straw to eliminate all the mud in my driveway.
I'll also have my AVON sight up and running this evening.
Gotta run.
Friday, April 24, 2009
What We Do For Our Pets!
Nearly 5:00 and I haven't even started dinner. Still covered in dirt from head to toe from working on the garden. We are making progress, but I sure wish I had been able to start two months ago! Long way to go.
Oh, the kids are out in the mud; gotta take some pics and will post later.
It's Official, I'm An AVON Rep.
I still have the tickets to the Women's Conference this weekend. I can't help but think it's meant for me and Kayla to be there. If we go, my AVON site won't be up until Sunday. I'll update through my blog and facebook.
Bandit is still at the vet; I'm supposed to call in 20 minutes.
E-Women's Conference
Bandit is back at the vet. Will know more this afternoon around noon.
I've been looking into selling Mary Kay; Avon; Tupperware. I have to supplement my income from not working; and be able to pay for Kayla's modeling. While I would love to sell Mary Kay, I don't think I have the time, money or patience to start and build a clientel. Tupperware...not really interested in; but; Avon has caught my attention. I've been praying about which direction to go, praying that the Lord would widen my vision on ways to bring in extra money, and for some reason, Avon just keeps coming back to me. I have an appointment at 10:00 to meet with a local director. It only cost $10.00 to get started. I'll let you know what I decide; although I do sense the Lord's "wooing" in that direction.
I would appreciate your prayers for my Kayla. I can't get into it, but she has to make some tough decisions in the next few days. If the tickets to the E-Women's' Conference don't sell, then she is going with me. Hhmmm....just had a thought, maybe this weekend is for her?! Wow!
Much to do; it's only 8:30 and have already gotten Christopher to school, Bandit to the vet, my blood work done.... drinking my first cup of coffee as my blood work was a fasting one; then start Kayla's schoolwork.
Continuing to trust in Him.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sick Kitty
Kayla, my oldest has started a blog. Check her out.... She's a little long-winded; opinionated, but fun and is as level headed as a 16 year old girl can be :)
Gotta run, have a child in the bath, one playing Lego's, and my garden still isn't finished.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
F-35 Eglin Airforce Base
I thank each and every person that has flown on my behalf, my family's behalf... to protect us and to protect our freedom!
The sound I hear, IS THE SOUND OF FREEDOM!
Proud to be an American
My Little Man...
Christopher is telling me how to do this....
Daddy working hard!
I should have planted my potatoes at the beginning of last month; so don't know if planting them now is going to do any good or not; but I'm gonna give it a try. I've never planted potatoes before, so we'll see what happens! Christopher wants to plant carrots. Ya'll, he hates carrots, but he says he wants to plant them for everyone else. Last year we had like 43 green beans plants..... watermelons, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, .... I can't remember what else....anyway, we are doing new stuff this year. I've never canned anything before, but plan on making it a first this year also. Will keep you posted.
Gotta finish up dinner or my kids will be screaming!
Kayla's Runway Walk
EWomen's Conference Tickets At Early Bird Price!
I still have two EWomen's conference tickets for this weekend to sell at the early bird price of $40! They are selling for $60 now and then $80 at the door. If you know of ANYONE that would be interested, please contact me. I also have a friend who has five tickets to sell. If I hadn't been gone all last week/weekend I would be going; I am really just so I have Chicken Pot Pies to make this weekend.....! I am trying to find ways to raise money for Kayla's pictures and traveling expenses; if you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know! The profit on the pot pies are not all that great; of course, anything is better than nothing! Another reader has a friend who makes cookies; she has offered to make them if I buy the ingredients.... what do you think? Would home-made cookies be a good thing? I used to clean houses; I might call some of my old clients and see if they have stuff I can do to earn extra money.... I just seem to be a dead end for ideas.
OK; much to do today. I appreciate your prayers for Kayla as we take on this new adventure; and your prayers to sell these tickets for EWomen's Conference!
More later.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Random Pics/National Discovery Weekend
Lots and lots of people; this wasn't even half of them!
one of many seminars
us in line:)
Kayla doing her "thang....."
Kayla trying on hats in the gift shop at the ship we ate at:)
" Arg..... " Sarah Beard with Kayla
"It's a 'cut throat' business!"
aaaaagh, (I had 45 minutes of beach the entire time)
after the call backs..... can you tell she is happy?!
Kayla Has An Agent!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kayla did GREAT! Have tons of pics, but my kids are getting my time tonight, just trying to update for Mammow to know what happened. Six agencies are interested in Kayla. Four are modeling agencies, one scout and one agent. More info to come in the next few days. Pics will come in the next few days also. We have many decisions to make; where He leads us we will follows.......
Gotta run, Kaitlyn ready to get out of the tub!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Panama City Pictures/National Discovery
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Long Day
I'm beyond pooped. We didn't get back until 11:30 tonight. I'm turnin' in.
Blows My Mind!
Thank you Father, for providing and forgive me for doubting you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Just want to give praise where praise is due. Got all the laundry done, packed, and ready to go. We'll head out around noon tomorrow.
Will post along the way. Blessings to you.
We are heading out to get the car an oil change. Thank you again for your prayers!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Simple Really IS Better
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Mountain and Resurrection Rolls
Mix ingredients and knead. Add small amounts of water as needed until the texture is right.... we didn't know what texture was right....with the 1.5 cups of water, it was so course we couldn't do anything with it; added some more water...probably another 1/4 of a cup, and it was a little too much....
Resurrection Rolls
Olive is having a service tonight and two tomorrow; we are going tonight.
Celebrate Jesus!