Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were You, When the World Stopped Turning . . . .

I was the Administrative Assistant to Dave Corson at Olive Baptist Church.

I was socializing with Ms. Marjorie at the front desk before our staff meeting. 

Kurt Detzler came on the radio telling Ms. Marjorie to turn on the television. 

Moments later, I knocked on Pastor's door, "Pastor, turn on your t.v.  An airplane has hit one of the twin towers." 

I was grief stricken.  I called my family.  I remember the urgency to make sure they knew how much I loved them.  I remember watching the sky the rest of the day.  "Were there more to come?" I wondered.  I remember asking God, "What is going on?!"

Fear.  Grief.  Confusion.  Heartache.  Devastation.  That, is what I remember.

Today, my church honored the men and women who serve our country, the first responders to the horrific scene, and those retired from active duty as well.

We reflected.  We remembered.  We honored.

I remember the night of that Tuesday on 9-11.  The church was filled.  People were crying, looking for answers.

As I type these words I am covered in goosebumps. 

I remember nothing of the service, except for two things.  People were flooding in in droves, and Ms. Liz.

**Please scroll down and turn off the music player to listen to the following songs.**

Ms. Liz was beginning to sing, God Bless America.  She will filled with so much heartache after a few words and a crackle in her voice that she said, "I just don't think I can on do this.  Ya'll are just gonna have to help me."  It was then we all stood, and sang this beautiful song, together.

This morning, Pastor encouraged us to not only remember the events of 9-11; but to remember "The One."

His name, is Jesus. 

He came to save the world from sin so that we might have eternal life.  He wasn't surprised by any of the events of 9-11.  He is, the Great I Am.  He is the Past.  He is the Present.  He is the Future. 

Our closing song from service this morning is one of my many favorites.  Music is the passion of my soul.  This one . . . oh my!  BUT, it will only ignite a passion within you if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.   Take a minute to listen to this amazing song and REMEMBER His Faithfulness! 

We Will Remember  (This is not our choir, but the closest rendition to what ours did this morning.) 

Do you remember the day . . . . the day He saved you?  If you don't know Him, you can do so today. 

Remembering ALL He has done for me,


**As I was editing this, I remembered a song written by Alan Jackson.  When I first heard the song I remember how much it defined the wonders I had after the tragedy.  I haven't cried over the last few days, I wouldn't allow it as I felt it would leave me vulnerable.  Hearing these words though, brought the emotion back, the realness.  Just thought I'd share it.

Where Were You . . When the World Stopped Turning?

"Father I pray for the men and women, boys and girls, mommy's and daddy's, aunts and uncles,  . . . grandparents and friends affected by this day.  Comfort them in ways only You can.  Reveal yourself to them.  Put people in their path that know You and can share the gospel with them.  Lord, use me where you see fit.  Forgive me for doubting.  Forgive me for questioning.  Use me today in fullness of you.  So be it.  Amen."

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