Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Today is my last day of working at Pine Summit. I have mixed feelings; while I love to go there and be involved with the people of Pine Summit and I get to feed people (a passion of mine), it completely exhausts me. I pay for it for days. I just can't seem to "get well" and function. (In fact, my doctor has ordered a full panel of blood work to make sure my thyroid medication is working properly.) Not only do I deal with that aspect of working, but I am filled with guilt when I leave my kids. Every week since Christmas I have had sick kids and have missed many Wednesday's of work, and now today, I not only have a sick child, but a sick husband who has to take the sick child to the doctor! Very frustrating, but somewhat confirming my tough decision.

Have to get going... won't get in until after 7:00 from cooking. Have a great day:)

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