Monday, February 23, 2009

John 10:10

I love it when the Lord speaks to me. The last several months, its been a struggle hearing though. However, the last few days there are two things the Lord keeps telling me, one is there is healing in His Word. This, I know and have known; yet Him telling me, wooing me back in, is comforting to my soul and causes me to want to dig in more. The other He keeps telling me over and over is a scripture I was first introduced to in The Most Excellent Way, John 10:10. John 10:10 states, "A thief (that's the devil) comes only to steal, kill and to destroy. I (Jesus Christ), have come that they may have life and have it in abundance." (HCSB) I've read that scripture literally hundreds of times in the last 10 plus years of sobriety and attending meetings, but for some reason, it has come alive in the last few days. How long am I going to allow the devil leverage in my life? Jesus not only came to give me life, but to give me life abundantly! To the fullest... not a half way life... but a full, abundant life. Woo-hoo! Kind of gets me excited all over again!

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