Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why Am I Surprised?

I don't know why I expect so little of Him? Or why I get surprised when He does something like... say provide. After all, He provided above and beyond for Christmas.... so why can't I trust Him to provide in a necessity? I normally shop for cooking at Pine Summit on Wednesday's, however; tomorrow I have to get to the church earlier than usual as I have to leave by 4:00 in order to get to the modeling appointment for Kayla (we'll find out how much it costs); anyway, when I was dropping off the food at the church, one of the ladies in the food closet, out of the clear blue asked...."Do you need any shampoo? Does it matter what kind?" My response was, "I buy what is cheaper on sale and as a matter of fact, I have been out ..." I turned around to pick up the bottle of shampoo.... wouldn't you know it, it's VO5. The same brand I usually buy unless I have a coupon for something cheaper! I couldn't believe it. So why am I so surprised? I know if it's important to me, then it's important to Him. I never even thought to stop and pray and ask Him to provide, He just did it, on His own, to show me He was there, and that He cares. Kind of made/makes me feel good. He kept giving me one of my favorite scriptures today, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided....." I guess that includes shampoo! :)

I, along with all the other parents, as I mentioned earlier, will be at the Civic Center tomorrow night to find out how much this modeling thing will cost. Kayla will still have more steps to go through....or hoops to jump through.... but we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Kayla, also has surgery on Monday on her knee. I've started this year off to a great start (ha-ha) by missing every Wednesday night dinner of the new year. I know we cannot afford for me to not work; but I have to say, I find myself wondering if the Lord is trying to tell me something. When I was hired, I told them my family is my first ministry. My first ministry has been under attack lately, so I'm just wondering what the Lord is up to.

It's nearly 5:00 and time to get my husband home. Will write more later or tomorrow after the modeling thing.....


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