Friday, January 27, 2012

Loving Through Disappointment

Putting this plea out there and would like your input from as many of you as possible.
How do you, or have you, learned (or relearned) to loved through disappointment?
What scriptures have helped you?
Did you fake it till you could love again?
Or maybe you gave up?
When did it, if ever, become "OK" again?
This morning, in my journal/quiet time, the Lord told me to pray about learning to love through disappointment. 
You know, that thing called, "unconditional love."
I think it is something we all experience in one way or another; be it with a spouse, or child(ren), a family member, or a close friend; whethere we were the one disappointed or even did the disappointing.
While I am studying this, I would really like your input!
IF this is too personal of a question to answer, please feel free to email me at
Thank you :)

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