Saturday, October 22, 2011

Struggling with Anger

We had very little traffic today; thankful for what we did have; but struggling with anger. 

Someone changed the price tag on something; I knew it was wrong when he brought the item to pay for it; I looked around to see if I could find the ticket he swapped it out with, but I couldn't find it and I couldn't prove it. 

Hours later, I found the price tag he had swapped. 

We were having this yard sale to help with living expenses and to keep us from NOT having to sell our home.  A friend was here and prayed with me about this; but I have to be honest; I am ticked. 

It was only a dollar difference; (I know, I know) but I just can't get over it.

Why steal?

Why lie?

WHY take from someone who is already struggling to just get by? 

I don't get it.

I am angry about it. 

I'm frustrated we only made $60 (which I know is more than we had) today.

I'm frustrated what we DID make was spent on a VET bill for a CAT that is busting out the screens of my house to get out!

I guess I am just having an unthankful, ungrateful kind of day.

Sorry, just needed to vent.

I know the Lord has a plan.  I know He is in control of all things.  I know people have free will and I know I failed this test miserably of turning the other cheek.

I try to find good in all things but  OBVIOUSLY I am struggling with this today . .  as I am typing this the Lord is telling me to be thankful.  So I am going to make a list . . . .

~I am thankful for my friends that have contributed for the yard sale so graciously to help us.  I have felt an abundance of love while going through the last few weeks.

~I am thankful for a friend that gave our family a Wii Game System!  My children played for hours on it last night and as I type this Chris is setting it up and they are making us all have characters for the Wii Fit.

~I'm thankful I have pets that I have to take to the vet.  While we can't afford them; God has provided in meeting the needs of feeding them and taking care of vet bills.  Pets are sometimes the only comfort we can use to bring Christopher out of a melt down.  Pets love us unconditionally (even cats . . . . for the most part).

~I'm thankful I have SO MUCH STUFF LEFT I get to have a SECOND yard sale!!! 

~I'm thankful the Lord met the needs for the vet bill we didn't see coming.

~I'm thankful for a friend that stopped by and was here to pray for me while I was fuming.

~I'm thankful God loves me.

~I'm thankful for the new board games a friend gave us for the kids to play.

~I'm am thankful, that when I am unlovable, He loves me anyway.

~I'm thankful that the Lord has provided above and beyond for all our needs and even our wants.

I guess I really shouldn't complain.  Life could always be worse!


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