Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another "WOW" Moment!

My sister met me at the beach this morning.  I needed the break, the kids needed to get out and play and it just so happened my sister was going too! 

My morning devotion was interrupted by a friend that needed me, so I took my journal, Bible, book and devotional with me.   I stand in awe how the Lord speaks and how He really knows what we need.

I shared in a previous post about my encounter with Pensacola's finest "Sheriff's Department."  It really has devastated me.  I went to sleep crying over it, woke up emotional, even cried driving over the bridge to the beach.  It was consuming me.

After spending several minutes playing with the kids and enjoying the crystal clear water, I took a few minutes to spend time with my Lord. 

He blessed me.  The following is out of my journal as I sat on the beach in awe of how much I matter to Him.

"A wow moment -- You just gave me two birds (I know now they were Terns) pausing over water, and dive approximately two or thirty feet in the the swarms of bait fish.  The birds waited ever so patiently for the right moment, then BAM!  He had his fish!  that was my sweet touch from the Father - ushering a worried and frustrated spirit into His calming peaceful presence.  How refreshing.  Thank you Father.  Amen."

I attempted to take some pictures of this, but I don't have the best of cameras.  I've cropped them, you can see them, but they are blurry . . . but you will get the picture.

 flying in one place looking at his meal

 the second one joined in

 he dived into the water

 got his meal

coming out of the water

THEN after this precious visual, my reading from today was on RESTING IN HIS PRESENCE!  The scripture reading for today was Proverbs 3:5&6 (one very known, but easily forgotten), "Trust in the Lord will ALL your heart (Stacey) and lean NOT on your (my) own understandings; in ALL your (my) ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

After that precious visual of how He supplies the needs of the birds of the air, and reminding me just how precious I am to Him, He then reminded me . . . my understanding is nothing.  He is still God.  He is still on the throne.  He knew my mistakes before I even realized it.  He is sovereign.  He is my King.  He loves me.  That makes me smile ;)

A tid-bit of information of Terns:

Terns look a lot like gulls – gray above, white below – but they are a separate species. They have a lighter, more buoyant flight with sleeker, narrower bodies and wings, forked tails and very sharp beaks. Terns will hover briefly over the water, 10 to 30 feet in the air, and then dive gracefully to catch a fish.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Don't know how I lived those 28 years without the Lord.  I stand in awe of Him.

Continuing to trust in Him,


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