Friday, August 31, 2012

When God Speaks

Have you ever had a moment when you know you heard from Heaven?

It's not usually something you can ignore; but we are still given that free will.

To obey, or not to obey.

It's that instant that you know you have to turn the car around and get to where you know God is telling you to go, but if you do you will be late for something else, or you know God is putting someone on your heart and you KNOW you should take the time to call or text or email, or even the worse . . . . . stop by unannounced (aaagghhh!) . . . . . but who does that anymore, right?  Why have we, as a society become so unpersonable?  

(On a side-note, if you ever stop by unannounced, REMEMBER, you are stopping by to see me, not the house or the yard cause it will likely be a mess.  If that bothers you, you are more than welcome to help me clean it!  ;)  

I had one of those moments today.

A complete WOW moment to the point where I couldn't wait to do what to the Lord was telling me to do.

A few months ago we started having regular car problems, to the point where we haven't had a car more than we have. 

Two weeks ago, our washing machine died that is less than two years old.  A friend helped us by process of elimination to determine what was going on, and he said it was the motor and it would cost more to repair than to buy a used one.  So, inbetween having no car and no washing me, I have been washing clothes in the bathtub.  I explain that because today we got the car back (I know, yippee!) so I loaded up two baskets of the sheets and towels we have been using for the puppies to take to the laundry mat.  

Christopher and I go pick up Kaitlyn from school and start on our way.  I thought I would get them a drink from McD's since we don't have air in the car and we would be at the laundry mat for a while . . . . but then I look at the clock and it is 2:08. 

Happy Hour at SONICS!  Half price drinks!  

In that split second, I get in the right lane instead of the left lane.

Then I see her.  

A middle aged black lady walking across the street, using the crosswalk at the West Florida Hospital light.  She was using a seeing eye cane . . . . one that a person with limited or no vision would use.  

As the bus in front of me pulled out, I was able to move up.  

I could see that she was physically trying to fight back her tears, but they continued to flow.

As soon as I made the turn, the Lord said, "go."  

My prayer instantly became, "Lord, if you want me to speak to her, then you have to let her be there when I get back there.  Lord, this is Davis Hwy, if you want me to speak to her, you have to give me a safe place to park so my children won't be in harms way and I don't cause an accident."

As I turned right on Johnson and took the first right past the fire station my kids started asking questions.  

"Where are you going?  What's wrong mom?  This isn't how you get to Sonic!"

All I had to tell them was that I think God wants me to go hug that lady that crying.

Christopher immediately knew who I speaking of.

As I turned right onto Olive, then back to Davis, my heart started pounding as we looked for her.

Then we saw her, and I knew.  

She was walking the sidewalk just pass the elementary school and towards the weekly hotel.  In front, is a HUGE blocked off area not intended for highway traffic or parking, but gave me plenty of room to pull off the road so my children would be safe and I could talk to her.

She must have some vision, as when I whipped the car in I scared her.

I got out of the car, told her I saw her crying at the other intersection and wanted to see if she was OK.

To that, she shook her head no and said, "I just feel like I'm invisible." and with that, the tears of pain began to flow uncontrollably.

I asked her if I could hug her and she said no.

With that response, I asked her if I could pray for her, and she said, "Yes." 

"May I hold your hand?" I asked. 

"Yes." she responded.

Within that moment, all worry about my kids disappeared and the sound  of traffic on Davis Hwy went away.  

It was just me.  Her.  And the Holy Spirit. 

While praying, the Holy Spirit told me to remind her that she is the apple of His eye.  That she is precious to Him and more valuable than she could imagine.  He told me to remind her that He knows the number of hairs on her head and that He is the healer of the brokenhearted.

Throughout the prayer, she pleaded, "Yes, Jesus." over and over as she wept.

After the prayer time I asked her if I could give her a ride anywhere.  She lives at the weekly hotel that she was in front of.  She has a guide dog that was in her room.

My assumption is she received some bad news from the hospital; or maybe she was looked over one time too many because of her disability.

I don't know the answer to the why's or what's wrong, but what I know is that today, God chose to use a wretch like me; a once drunk, hootchie, thief, liar, and God hater, to pray for a woman that felt invisible here on earth.

Oh what an honor.  

Do you know that you are that important to God too?

That He adores you!  That He will send strangers to you to encourage you because HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH!

In Psalms 17, verses 8 & 9, the Bible says, "Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about."


In Luke 12:7, the Bible says, "But even the very hairs on your head are ALL numbered.  Fear not, therefore; YOU are more valuable than sparrows."


In Psalm 147:3, the Bible says, "He is the healer of the brokenhearted and He binds up their wounds."


The scriptures tell us in Psalm 139:13 -16, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."


Oh friend, I don't know what you are toiling with today; but what I do know is there is a Father in Heaven that adores you.  He wants to have a relationship with you.  If you do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you can know Him this very moment.

The scriptures say that by believing in your heart, and confessing Him as Lord publicly, you can be saved!  The scriptures also say that we are ALL sinners; that NONE of us are righteous.  We can not earn our way into heaven and we can not do good enough or earn our way in.  He is the only way.  I pray that if you are interested in knowing Jesus as Lord that you will email me at or leave a comment below if you would like for me to contact you.

Maybe you know Jesus as Lord but have forgotten just Whose you are.  You are the Prince/Princess of a King!  King Jesus!  He is the forgiver of sins!  The sustainer of life!  The provider of all resources!  

AND . . . . .


Monday, August 27, 2012

Pioneer Woman 101, HA!

I have to confess.  I am a whimp.

Yeap.  I thought I could handle it.  Thought it wouldn't be any big deal.  Man, was I stupid!

A friend sent me $100 to put towards a washing machine.  Had a couple lined up to go look at this week.

Then the car broke down.

Then this thing called, "Isaac" came into the gulf.

Car still not repaired.

Still no washing machine.

Family of four and puppies that poop.


What's a gal to do?!

I know, I'll use the bath tub!  OH.  MY.  WORD!

These are my yard work clothes and the kids outside play clothes.  

Oh.  My.  Word!

I had already done all the sheets from the puppies.

My hands are stiff; red, achy.  My arm muscles . . . just holding my arms up to type make me tired and my shoulders; oh honey, we won't even go there.

Because I am hand ringing out each clothing, I decided it would be best to use a clothes line to help dry the clothes some before putting them in the dryer.

Oh.  My.  WORD!

How did they do it?

Seriously.  How did the women in the pioneer days do laundry every single day, cook meals from scratch, work in the barn and fields, sew clothes, and everything else they did. . . ?!

These women of olden days were tough women; and I don't mean tough minded either!

Hats of to the older generation that knew what hard work was all about!

I sure won't be taking my next washing machine for granted, I can assure you!  Whew!

Happy washin' :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whose Am I?

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27

As of the Sunday morning track, looks like Mobile Bay and surrounding areas are going to be the target for Hurricane Isaac.

The estimated time of arrival for our unwanted house guest is expected during the midnight hours . . . . late Tuesday or early Wednesday.  I personally HATE night time guests that are unwanted.

Regardless, be prepared and do your part.  Once you have done what you have to do to secure your home and yard and have purchased plenty of water for your family and pets, along with some food items and ice, sit back and rest.

May I suggest, every time you "feel" that urge to panic or worry about the what if's of uncertainty; remember there is One that is never changing, whose name is not "What if."

None of this caught my God by surprise.

He is still God.

He still reigns on His throne.

I was reading Job 12 just the other day looking for peace, clarity, and answers to some of my life's questions.  I found a chapter that I don't think I have ever read before, and if I did, it wasn't "revealed" to me until then.

The Lord brought it to mind this morning, seems kind of appropriate to share to help us remember who is in charge.

Job 12

Starting in verse 7, but in verses 10 - 16; don't miss who He is and the power . . . . oh the power! 

“Just ask the animals, and they will teach you.
    Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.
Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you.
    Let the fish in the sea speak to you.
For they all know
    that my disaster has come from the hand of the Lord.
1For the life of every living thing is in his hand,
    and the breath of every human being.
11 The ear tests the words it hears
    just as the mouth distinguishes between foods.
12 Wisdom belongs to the aged,
    and understanding to the old.
13 “But true wisdom and power are found in God;
    counsel and understanding are his.
14 What he destroys cannot be rebuilt.
    When he puts someone in prison, there is no escape.
15 If he holds back the rain, the earth becomes a desert.
    If he releases the waters, they flood the earth.
16 Yes, strength and wisdom are his;
    deceivers and deceived are both in his power.
17 He leads counselors away, stripped of good judgment;
    wise judges become fools.
18 He removes the royal robe of kings.
    They are led away with ropes around their waist.
19 He leads priests away, stripped of status;
    he overthrows those with long years in power.
20 He silences the trusted adviser
    and removes the insight of the elders.
21 He pours disgrace upon princes
    and disarms the strong.
22 “He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness;
    he brings light to the deepest gloom.
23 He builds up nations, and he destroys them.
    He expands nations, and he abandons them.
24 He strips kings of understanding
    and leaves them wandering in a pathless wasteland.
25 They grope in the darkness without a light.
    He makes them stagger like drunkards.

I am in awe.  He truly has, "The Whole World In His Hands."  That makes me smile.

I shared a few days ago about a a live frog that ate a worm right in front of me.

After the Lord showed me the frog eating a worm, a few days later, as I was driving the car to the mechanics shop, again,  an odd looking creature flew right in front of my windshield!  As I slowed down and squinted, I realized it was a hawk, carrying a LIVE squirrel off!  The live squirrel was struggling HARD to get free.  But that hawk had him tight in his grips.

John 10:27 - 30 says this, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow (know) me.  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.  I and the Father are one."

As I just typed it out I got the chills and heebie jeebies; but as my heart reflects on the scriptures I know, I realize it was such a beautiful, beautiful sight!

The beautiful sight of the hawk carrying off his prey, also reminded me of another scripture; that I am more precious to The Father than the birds of the air, and if they are fed, then why am I to worry?

Matthew 6:25-34, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith?  So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What what shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Fathers knows that you need them.  But seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given (supplied) to you as well.  Therefore, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

As we finish preparing in the physical realm for the storm, as a friend posted on fb the other day, I pray you are preparing your heart for eternity.

In case you are reading this, and you don't know Whose you are, then listen to this song, Who Am I.  THEN, because scripture is the first and foremost of finding out how valuable you are, read the book of  John.  A complete love letter of miracles, and even how Jesus prays for you!

Peace my friends.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jesus, You Are My King

A woman of adultery.  Yeap.  Been there.

John 8:2-11

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.  “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Been forgiven too :)

Matthew 9:18-35

Miracles of Healing

**Yeah, been paralyzed in fear, anger, unforgiveness, and hate.

 Getting into a boat, Jesus crossed over the sea and came toHis own city.
 And they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, “ Take courage, son;your sins are forgiven.” And some of the scribes said to themselves, “This fellow blasphemes.” And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, “Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?Which is easier, to say, ‘ Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, and walk’? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—then He *said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home.”

 And he got up and went home. But when the crowds saw this, they were awestruck, and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.

**Been freed from that bondage too :)

18 While He was saying these things to them, a synagogue official game and bowed down before Him, and said, "My daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will."  19 Jesus got up and began to follow him, and so did His disciples.

**Oh, now this a good one.  While I have not had this particular disease, I have had physical ailments that I carry daily, and while I have not received the miraculous healing physically on this side of glory, I have been the emotional healing and been given the grace to live my life freely in His power.  That power is available to you as well . . . . just reach out, and touch . . . . the very hem of his garment.  Oh my!  Can you feel the power?!

20 And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up from behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; 21 for she was saying to herself, "if I only touch His garment, I will get well."  22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well."  At once the woman was made well.

23  When Jesus came into the official's house, and saw the flute-players and crowd in noisy disorder, He said, 24"Leave; for this girl has not died, but is asleep." and they began laughing at Him. 25 but when the crowd had been sent out, He entered and took her by the hand, and the girl got up. 26 The news spread throughout the land.

I have not been brought back from a physical death.  My story is better than that.  I have been brought to life from this same man named Jesus.  He DEFEATED death, so that I may live!  Hallelujah!

As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” 28 When He entered the house, the blind men came up to Him, and Jesus *said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”They *said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” 29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, “It shall be done to you according to your faith.”30 And their eyes were opened. 

**When I became a Christian at the age of 28, I had evil eyes.  I saw as the world saw.  I began praying Matthew 6:22-23 over my eyes,“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is[k]clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is [l]bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"  

**Jesus, by his miraculous healing power, gave me pure eyes. 

And Jesus sternly warned them: “See that no one knows about this!” 31 But they went out and spread the news about Him throughout all that land.

32 As they were going out, a mute, demon-possessed man was brought to Him. 33 After the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke; and the crowds were amazed, and weresaying, “ Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.”34 But the Pharisees were saying, “He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.”

**Whoa.  This one is deep.  Have you ever fought demons?  If you are a born again believer, satan is coming to "kill, steal, and to destroy you! (John 10:10).  The flip side of that is that Jesus, He has come to give you life, and to give it more abundantly!  (John 10:10)
The more you are doing for Jesus, the harder satan is going to come at you.**

**You too, can be freed from demons.  At one time, my demons were drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and too many adulterous affairs to count.  But Jesus, He freed me from those demons.**

He can and will do the same for you!

35 Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

I know this is a long post, and I apologize, but I have been working on this since yesterday morning.  

I was distraught, discouraged, and full of doubts.

One song kept coming to my mind, so I came in and googled it. 

Don't just listen to this song, watch the video.  Please. 

As tears rolled and continue to roll down my face, weeping and whaling began.  As I not only sang these words over and over, I prayed them. I remembered being paralyzed in fear, I remembered being the adulterous woman, I remembered thinking, "Oh God, if I could just TOUCH the hem of your garment, I remembered the demons, I remembered the day I no longer saw things as the world saw them . . . . I remembered the grace and mercy that was given to me so freely!

Distraught(ness).  Gone.

Discouragement.  Gone.

Doubt.  Gone.

Freedom came as I raised both hands, praising My King.

As I type these words, reflecting on the moment, I am covered in goosebumps and tears.

I have no clue who this is for, other than for me and having to share the power and love of My King Jesus.  

That same love He has for me, the same miracles He has performed for me, and countless others I know and hear about, He will do for you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Do You Like Your Eggs?

When Kayla was dating, I always asked her, "Kayla, how do you like your eggs?"

She didn't get it till she watched "Run-A-Way Bride" with me.

It was important to me that she remained true to herself and that she would enjoy and do for herself because that is what SHE liked or was interested in; not because someone ELSE liked or was interested in something.

A few weeks ago, I had a young lady ask me, "What are your hobbies?  What is it that YOU like to do for YOU?"

I had no answer for her.

I honestly could not remember what it is or was that I enjoyed doing . . . .  just for me.

That bothered me.

It still bothers me.

While I was able to "remember" after a few days of reflecting that I love taking pictures, I still remain blank to the thought of what it is that I like to do just for me.  Not only that, but who am I?  Who have I become?

No, I am not talking in a Biblical sense.  I know WHOSE I am, so please, don't go there; I have just become so engrossed with doing so much for others that I, the person that laughs and has fun, and LOVES fishing and camping . . . . . has become non-existent.

I know it is VERY important to serve; but I don't know that I am to be "doing" to the point that I have lost myself.

Does any of this make sense?  Am I alone in this?

If I am not alone in this particular journey, then tell me, how did you get back to you?

How do YOU, like YOUR eggs?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Frog Eats Live Worm

No lie.

Right in front of us.

I thought I was going to die!  In fact, as I was typing it out, I got chills and goosebumps!  Ewwww!

Usually the Lord uses birds as my visual for His provision, protection and love for me; but this time, He chose a frog.

Yes.  A frog.

I was sitting on the steps of the front porch, when he jumped into the light.

I didn't realize it at the time, but he had a worm hanging from his mouth.

A live worm.

A live, squiggly worm.


More goosebumps and chills!  Ick!

Right before my eyes, the frog eats the worm, one gulp at a time.

Once again, the Lord shows me that if the frogs are provided for, then why wouldn't He provide for me?!

Today, once again, I dropped the ball on something important.

I have filled my days with so many little things, that no one thing is being accomplished.

Very frustrating.

Regardless, the Lord provided.

Pride was hurt and embarrassment set in, but I believe . . . . . I hope . . . . . it will open new doors to eventually bring us financial success.

Until then, I will continue to . . . . . .

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life Is A Highway

Where did the time go?

I just don't get it.

Are we filling our days with so much that time just escapes us or is it true, that the older we get, the quicker it goes?  I don't the know the answer to that, but it seems to me that life truly is but a vapor.

My Kaitlyn started 1st grade today. She has been counting down to this day since the last day of Kindergarten! She LOVES school and does not like to miss!

 Hate this is blurry, but nothing I can do about that!

I just love her!

 God blessed my girl with not one, but THREE book bags this year!  All in a 24 hour period that is unexplainable . . . but when you hear her response to receiving three, it becomes explainable :)  She is using this one (and was THRILLED to be able to take her own supplies in to her classroom today) until one is coming in with her initials on it from a dear friend and the third one she received, she said, "I want to give it to a homeless girl so she will have one."  

Just writing that out brings tears to my eyes.  My babies get it.  They get that there are others out there so much worse off than we are and that we can NEVER out give our God!  Oh I pray they never lose their passion for helping those less fortunate!

 Kaitlyn stylin' the Panda Hat!
Her classroom theme is the Panda Bear!  

 Christopher's first day of 2nd grade took place in the mechanics waiting room ;)
He loved it!  He said, "ALL RIGHT!  First day of school and I get to go on a field trip AND do school work there!"  

Love my little man ;)

This song came to my mind as I was checking my spelling; the first verse seems appropriate . . . . 

Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend and sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside ev'ry darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where the brave are free and lovers soar

There's not much time left today . . . . 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pray For A Cure 4 Kayte

Please take a minute and read about a Cure4Kayte.

If you aren't able to donate, please pray for her and her husband.  Pray that God would perform a miracle in her life and that He and He alone would receive the glory!

Thank you for sharing her story to as many people as you can.

One person can make a difference and as many bloggers as there are out there, there is no excuse for the monies to not be raised that are needed for this surgery!

Thank you for sharing!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

An Empty Spot

Polar has been experiencing tremors for three or four days now. They were affecting his comfort and he was unable to rest at all.  The crying at all hours of the day and night had grown more intense.  The pain meds he was prescribed brought him no comfort.

It was decided, after speaking with his vet, that Po-Po was suffering.  While hearing that made the decision easier, because we never want our pets or foster pets, or anyone else's pet for that to suffer, we are left with an emptiness from all that he brought to our day.

He had tremors until he took his last breath.

He was a very special baby that was full of life and personality.  He never realized he was different, or "disabled," but played hard and slept . . . . well, even longer and harder, until these tremors started.

Sad, sad day.  We all loved him.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blessed Is The One Who Trust In The Lord

I saw this video clip moments ago of a stranded fisherman as he was being circled by sharks.  A lump formed in my throat as I watched the video.  My assumption was the man survived or Fox News would not have showed the video, but that is not why the lump formed.

I have struggled more with "life" in the last three for weeks than I have in a while.  Mainly because I have not held Christ as my top priority.  Oh sure, I have talked to Him and even read the Bible; but I haven't worshiped Him, adored Him, or even surrendered my time to Him.  

As I watched the video, I envisioned the sharks of life encompassing me.  Be it demonic attacks, consequences of sin, priorities out of wack or just day to day life struggles . . . . . and then; just like the rescuer pulls the gentleman out of harms way, so I know my Lord will, once again, rescue and protect His children.

This video gives me the visual affirmation my soul needs, that He still is on the throne.  

That He knows all and sees all.

Psalm 40:1-5

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him.  Blessed is the one who trust in the Lord, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.  Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us.  None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare."

Father forgive me for not trusting You to provide, You to go before me.  Forgive me for my doubt, my anger, my frustration.  Forgive me for not being patient and waiting on You.  I praise You for Who you are.  I surrender all.  Amen.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Grace Card

Last Friday night I got to hang out with my cousin and her children.  We went to Hillcrest Baptist Church for their movie night.  Free pizza, drink, and popcorn for the movie!

The movie was, The Grace Card.

I had never heard of it.  Good movie.  Very good movie.  I encourage anyone that is dealing with a bitter heart, racism, anger, or unforgiveness, to see this movie.

In the movie, the Pastor challenges his congregation to REALLY love.

REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, LOVE . . . . . your enemies.

Not just the person that LIKES you.

But, that person that HATES you.

Do you love them?

The Pastor's grandfather gave him a piece of paper that had been handed down from generations that was in a Bible.  It read:  "I promise to pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same, and be your friend always."

As we left the church that night, we were given, "A Grace Card."

On one side a burgundy cross.

On the other side, "I promise to pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same, and be your friend always."  with a place for one to sign and date.

I have carried the card with me; and would love to have some made up one day, but since I can't do that right now, I want you to know . . . . .

"I promise to pray for you every day, 
ask for your forgiveness, 
grant you the same, 
and be your friend always." 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chocolate Chewy Bars Recipe

Not sure if your family is like mine or not . . . . . well, I take that back; there aren't too many families that are like mine; but anyway . . . . . . towards the end of the month monies get tight so I start cleaning out the pantry to make whatever.  Having two sensory issue children, that usually causes issues because they rarely try anything new and if the texture changes; oh heaven help us!  But that is beside the point.

I bought a box of Jiffy Golden Yellow Cake Mix this month to bake a cake.  My grandmother used Jiffy products a lot and always had good results so I thought I would give it a shot.

Just before baking the cake, I noticed a recipe on the side of the box for Chewy Bars.

All I can say is, "OH MY WORD!"

They are delicious!

1 pkg Jiffy Golden Yellow Cake Mix
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 TBSP margarine or butter, softened
1 TBSP corn syrup
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 egg
1 TBSP water
2 TBSP flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease an 8" square pan.  In small bowl, blend all ingredients well.  Spread in prepared pan.  Bake 25 - 30 minutes.  Cool and cut into bars.

Now, my family does not eat walnuts, so I put 3/4 chocolate chips in ours and I cut ours into squares instead of bars.  Our oven cooks at a higher temperature, so I had to turn the temperature down and extend the cooking time.  Just make your own variations based on your own oven.

Anyway, they turned out GREAT!

I hope you will give them a try!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Interim Home

I have intended on showing pictures and telling the stories of each of the puppies we have been fostering, and time and lack of discipline has gotten in the way, but, I hope to do better.

The puppies on this post are at my home and available for adoption.

If you are interested in fostering any of them, or making one, or two, or three . . . hehehe a part of your family, feel free to email me at

This is Valentine!  She is such a sweet loving girl!  We started fostering Valentine when she was just nine weeks old!  She is now pushing 8 months old!  She weighs 33lbs and I don't think she will get much bigger than that.  She is the calmest puppy I have ever been around!  She is FANTASTIC with all dogs and cats!  In fact, when new puppies/dogs are brought in, she is the one I use to introduce them to.  She is amazing with children, but is calm enough for any senior citizen!  Valentine has my heart and my hopes are that she will be a part of a home that will love her for life!  Valentine's previous owner did not care for their mommy well and let them sit in a  hole.  If not for the love and protection of their neighbor, they would have drowned during a rain storm when the hole they were delivered in flooded!  Valentine's adoption fee is $95.  She is up to date on all her shots, including Rabies and she has been spayed.  You may contact me at if you are interested in her and I will put you in touch with her owner, as well as schedule a time for you to meet her.  

This is Polar!  We call him, "Po-Po!"  He answers to both.  Polar's mother had a horrible virus that she passed to her four babies during nursing.  She and three of her puppies (Polar was one) suffered from seizures.  Two babies did not make it; but Polar did!  Because of his seizure he has lost some vision.  His eyes react to light, but an object must be moving in order for him to see it.  He is also wobbly and clumsy; BUT, that does NOT stop him from trying!  He runs and plays and does his best to hang with the big kids, he just sleeps a little more!  Polar will always be small, but he has grown more than we thought he would!  At 4 months old he only weights 11lbs!  Polar is struggling with being house broken; but we are working on it!  All Po-Po wants is to be loved, lay in your lap and lick your face!  Polar is available for adoption through SouthBARK Animal Rescue.  To receive an application to adopt Polar, you may email or if you are interested in fostering one of our many dogs in boarding, you may email

This is Happy!  Happy is a 4 year old lab mix.  Happy is great with children and does well with older dogs.  Happy does not like to be jumped on by puppies or hyperactive dogs.  Happy is playful, housebroken, and loves to be near you.  Happy is crate trained and trust me, he loves his crate!  Happy is happiest when he is greeted in the mornings or when you take him outside to go potty!  I have never seen a dog dance, but Happy dances with excitement!  We have only been fostering Happy for three weeks, but he has already brought great joy to our home.  Happy is available for adoption now.  As I type this, he is nudging my arms for attention :)  Happy is up to date on all shots and has been spayed.  His adoption fee is $95.  You may contact me at if you are interested in adopting Happy.  I will then put you in touch with his owner.

This is precious Shelby.  Shelby belonged to an elderly lady.  She was outside all the time.  The elderly lady's son was supposed to be taking care of his mother, the house, and the dog, but he did not do that.  She lost her health, her home, and Shelby.  A neighbor went over and cared for Shelby for a week.  She gave Shelby her booster shots, and started them on a dewormer.  She eventually took Shelby to her house and cared for her there.  Shelby was brought to me for a hopeful adoption to a senior adult.  That adoption did not go through, so we have decided to continue fostering her until she finds her forever home.  Shelby is great with cats and other dogs; but she does not want young children climbing on her or other dogs.  Shelby loves treats and sneaky snacks from whoever is cooking, and I did find out that Shelby LOVES PINEAPPLE!  How funny is that!?!  We do not know exactly how old she is, but we suspect she is over 10 years old.  Shelby does have all her teeth.  Her hearing is good (other than having selective hearing, but I guess at her age she has that right!) and good eye sight.  Shelby is up to date on her shots and has been spayed.  If you are looking for a more mature, calming pet to add to your family, you will not be disappointed in this jewel!  If you are interested in adopting Shelby, please email and fill out the application for adoption.

Oh my goodness!  This is Wilbur!  The picture says it all, doesn't it?!  Wilbur LOVES the water!  With the Florida heat, we try to keep lots of water on hand, but nothing prepared me for this!  I had to grab the camera and FAST!  Every day fresh water goes in the turtle, and every day, Wilbur goes for a swim ;)  Wilbur is approximately 6 months old.  He is up to date on his shots and has been neutered.  Wilbur is excellent with ALL dogs, and does great with my children, but likes to chase the cats.  Wilbur would be content just lying in your lap as long as you will let him.  Wilbur is a doll.  We don't know anything about Wilbur other than he came from Fayetteville, GA and was pulled with only 12 hours left to spare before he would be put to sleep.  Wilbur is ready to meet his forever family!  His adoption fee is $95.  You may email me at if you are interested in adopting Wilbur.  Below is another picture of Wilbur so you can see his beautiful face!

Friday night, on the way home from taking 13 dogs to Atlanta for a Maine transport, we received word that a momma dog had been shot at.  They didn't know if she was dead or alive, but she had 12 babies that were 3 days old.  Between myself and another foster, we split the 12.  Today, the babies are 11 days old!  Their eyes are not open yet and their little ears are starting to unfold.  They are starting to go potty by themselves (it's the little things that make you happy!) and are learning to walk.  We were supposed to have them for just 24 hours, but it has turned in to a week, as of today.  The rescue is currently looking for adopters and/or a puppy rescue to take the puppies.

I have several puppies we have fostered that have already been adopted.  In the coming days I will share those as well.  Our family has truly been blessed by sharing our home with these amazing animals.  My children help pick up poop, bathe, and love on these babies and my husband is up and down with them at various hours of the night.  It has definitely been a team effort and has been a true blessing to my heart.

If you are interested in fostering, please contact me at

Thanks for stopping by!