Friday, August 31, 2012

When God Speaks

Have you ever had a moment when you know you heard from Heaven?

It's not usually something you can ignore; but we are still given that free will.

To obey, or not to obey.

It's that instant that you know you have to turn the car around and get to where you know God is telling you to go, but if you do you will be late for something else, or you know God is putting someone on your heart and you KNOW you should take the time to call or text or email, or even the worse . . . . . stop by unannounced (aaagghhh!) . . . . . but who does that anymore, right?  Why have we, as a society become so unpersonable?  

(On a side-note, if you ever stop by unannounced, REMEMBER, you are stopping by to see me, not the house or the yard cause it will likely be a mess.  If that bothers you, you are more than welcome to help me clean it!  ;)  

I had one of those moments today.

A complete WOW moment to the point where I couldn't wait to do what to the Lord was telling me to do.

A few months ago we started having regular car problems, to the point where we haven't had a car more than we have. 

Two weeks ago, our washing machine died that is less than two years old.  A friend helped us by process of elimination to determine what was going on, and he said it was the motor and it would cost more to repair than to buy a used one.  So, inbetween having no car and no washing me, I have been washing clothes in the bathtub.  I explain that because today we got the car back (I know, yippee!) so I loaded up two baskets of the sheets and towels we have been using for the puppies to take to the laundry mat.  

Christopher and I go pick up Kaitlyn from school and start on our way.  I thought I would get them a drink from McD's since we don't have air in the car and we would be at the laundry mat for a while . . . . but then I look at the clock and it is 2:08. 

Happy Hour at SONICS!  Half price drinks!  

In that split second, I get in the right lane instead of the left lane.

Then I see her.  

A middle aged black lady walking across the street, using the crosswalk at the West Florida Hospital light.  She was using a seeing eye cane . . . . one that a person with limited or no vision would use.  

As the bus in front of me pulled out, I was able to move up.  

I could see that she was physically trying to fight back her tears, but they continued to flow.

As soon as I made the turn, the Lord said, "go."  

My prayer instantly became, "Lord, if you want me to speak to her, then you have to let her be there when I get back there.  Lord, this is Davis Hwy, if you want me to speak to her, you have to give me a safe place to park so my children won't be in harms way and I don't cause an accident."

As I turned right on Johnson and took the first right past the fire station my kids started asking questions.  

"Where are you going?  What's wrong mom?  This isn't how you get to Sonic!"

All I had to tell them was that I think God wants me to go hug that lady that crying.

Christopher immediately knew who I speaking of.

As I turned right onto Olive, then back to Davis, my heart started pounding as we looked for her.

Then we saw her, and I knew.  

She was walking the sidewalk just pass the elementary school and towards the weekly hotel.  In front, is a HUGE blocked off area not intended for highway traffic or parking, but gave me plenty of room to pull off the road so my children would be safe and I could talk to her.

She must have some vision, as when I whipped the car in I scared her.

I got out of the car, told her I saw her crying at the other intersection and wanted to see if she was OK.

To that, she shook her head no and said, "I just feel like I'm invisible." and with that, the tears of pain began to flow uncontrollably.

I asked her if I could hug her and she said no.

With that response, I asked her if I could pray for her, and she said, "Yes." 

"May I hold your hand?" I asked. 

"Yes." she responded.

Within that moment, all worry about my kids disappeared and the sound  of traffic on Davis Hwy went away.  

It was just me.  Her.  And the Holy Spirit. 

While praying, the Holy Spirit told me to remind her that she is the apple of His eye.  That she is precious to Him and more valuable than she could imagine.  He told me to remind her that He knows the number of hairs on her head and that He is the healer of the brokenhearted.

Throughout the prayer, she pleaded, "Yes, Jesus." over and over as she wept.

After the prayer time I asked her if I could give her a ride anywhere.  She lives at the weekly hotel that she was in front of.  She has a guide dog that was in her room.

My assumption is she received some bad news from the hospital; or maybe she was looked over one time too many because of her disability.

I don't know the answer to the why's or what's wrong, but what I know is that today, God chose to use a wretch like me; a once drunk, hootchie, thief, liar, and God hater, to pray for a woman that felt invisible here on earth.

Oh what an honor.  

Do you know that you are that important to God too?

That He adores you!  That He will send strangers to you to encourage you because HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH!

In Psalms 17, verses 8 & 9, the Bible says, "Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about."


In Luke 12:7, the Bible says, "But even the very hairs on your head are ALL numbered.  Fear not, therefore; YOU are more valuable than sparrows."


In Psalm 147:3, the Bible says, "He is the healer of the brokenhearted and He binds up their wounds."


The scriptures tell us in Psalm 139:13 -16, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."


Oh friend, I don't know what you are toiling with today; but what I do know is there is a Father in Heaven that adores you.  He wants to have a relationship with you.  If you do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you can know Him this very moment.

The scriptures say that by believing in your heart, and confessing Him as Lord publicly, you can be saved!  The scriptures also say that we are ALL sinners; that NONE of us are righteous.  We can not earn our way into heaven and we can not do good enough or earn our way in.  He is the only way.  I pray that if you are interested in knowing Jesus as Lord that you will email me at or leave a comment below if you would like for me to contact you.

Maybe you know Jesus as Lord but have forgotten just Whose you are.  You are the Prince/Princess of a King!  King Jesus!  He is the forgiver of sins!  The sustainer of life!  The provider of all resources!  

AND . . . . .



Joanne said...

I am crying as I write this comment. This is one of the most beautiful posts I have EVER read.
God bless you for listening to Him!
Blessings, Joanne

Stacey said...

Joanne, you bless and encourage me every time you comment! THANK YOU! Love and prayers for you friend!