Sunday, November 23, 2008

Live Streaming This Morning

I'm home this morning instead of in Sunday School and Church. I've had little or no time just for me these last four weeks, and have missed church a lot these weeks, and while being a wife and mother does not entitle me to "me time," I am simply pooped. I am fortunate to attend a church that does live streaming at both 9:30 and 11:00 services; hence, I will be listening/watching live via

I'm cooking a whole chicken this morning over a blazing fire. Kind of squared the logs around the roaster....we'll see what happens. I've been taking pictures of this last week, will post them eventually. I'll have to have Chris take the camera to the church and put the pics on for me.

I am cleaning out the utility room this morning as well (One of the rooms that has the mold in it). It has to be empty before 9:00 tomorrow morning. Our hot water heater is in there, I wonder how that's going to work, no water at all.... We'll see:) Most of our Christmas decorations that are in the utility room are in totes or in closets in other rooms, so we should be able to salvage most of them. Strange, I had all of the decorations in the utility room when we first moved in, (two months ago), but took the ones that are in boxes out for some reason.

I just looked up in time to see my heavy duty commercial pan I have my roaster on bend. Hhmmm...guess it's not so heavy duty if it can't withstand a little heat! ha-ha! Oooh, have I not withstood these last few weeks under a little heat? My faith has wavered. I've doubted, I've questioned, I've cried....I know and knew He was still in charge, but even today wonder what it is I am to take away from this experience. I believe it saved my doubt, for that I am eternally grateful. I guess I won't know until I reach glory the full extent of these circumstances.

Gotta run. More later when I see what the chicken looks like....


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