Monday, October 20, 2008

Jehova Jireh

My sister left to go home yesterday; woke up missing her. I wish she and Ron were closer to us. We had great visits this weekend from my brother, his wife and son, my mom, my dad, and of course Michelle. Life shouldn't be so busy that we can't take time for family. It just shouldn't.

We have had several challenges come our way, the biggest one being a $700 electric bill! We had transfer fees, deposits, a past due amount and two current amounts on one months bill! We've been paying on it every pay period from months now. Our church helped us a few months ago just before the move, but with everything going on with Christopher's doctor visits and medications not being covered by insurance, we have just struggled. This past week I got an email from a friend of mine. Their church had a huge mission yard sale. Normally they donate what isn't sold to Waterfront Mission, but she asked if I wanted it to try getting some money to go towards the power bill and I said, YES! It took two trips with the seats out of the van and piled high, but we got all the stuff over here. There are some things that will just have to be thrown away, but I'm hoping for a good turn out for what we do have. There's a lot of kitchen mugs, and what-nots, crystal pieces, punch cups, picture frames, vases, lamps, clothing, blankets and sheets and toys. I started working on it yesterday afternoon. My side and back yard looks like a mess. If I was my neighbor, I'd be worried! There was just so much stuff I had to start spreading it out and seeing what there was and how I was going to organize it all. I'm no where near being done; but have this week to finish up. We'll start at 7 a.m. Saturday, so please be praying for clear weather this week and a good turn out! I'm selling almost everything for a quarter, a dime and a few items marked specifically. It's amazing what the Lord will do to meet a need.

Christopher seems to be doing well on the Strattera. Waiting to see what, if any the insurance company will pay. Christopher has had a cold since Friday. Yesterday by bed time he barely had a voice. This morning he woke up coughing.

Kayla is looking for a dress for homecoming. Hoping to find something this week at one of the consignment shops.

Kaitlyn is Kaitlyn:) That's all I can say.

I've been real tired lately. Don't know what's going on, can't seem to get enough sleep and struggle with keeping my eyes open. It's affecting everything, even my time with the Lord. Oh, I do want to share the morning devotional I read this morning. I'm going to copy and paste it below. It was very appropriate for me this morning. Sometimes what we need the most is right in front of us and we don't even know it, but He knows it, and that's all that matters.

More later, until then, be blessed:)

Today's Prayer

Dear Father in Heaven, This day I look up and remember how it is you who created all and who owns the cattle upon the hills, the water that springs from the earth, the skies that span our view, and everything good. It is you who can provide for and bless the earth and the inhabitants thereof. I pray for the many people who are in difficult circumstances right now and need a touch to help them with their basic needs. I pray for those who need financial income to pay their living expenses, those who need jobs to bring in that income, who need good health to be able to do those jobs; and for those whose jobs do not provide sufficient income for their needs. I pray also for those who have the income, but do not know how to properly manage it for the best outcome. And I pray for those who have much and can give much. Please, connect the right people with jobs, and the right people with the right people, to do what needs to be done. I pray that you will meet every need; that you will bless the lives of those who follow your guidance and those who are thankful for what you provide. Hear the cries of the needy. I pray you will bless those who give from the abundance you have allowed them to have, for sharing and ministering in ways that others cannot. Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Jehovah JirehTGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman10-20-2008

"But I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs" (Phil 2:25-26).

I got onto the bus with the other delegates attending a workplace conference in South Africa. It was a season in my life in which I had experienced many losses both financially and relationally. God was stripping away the old wineskin and creating a new one. One of the things He was teaching me was that He - not my skills, not my work - was my provider of financial needs during this season of training.

God provided me the means to attend the conference. One day before the registration deadline, a man came to my office and gave me $2500 and told me I was to go. Now, a man had just placed an envelope into my hand. "Here, God says I'm to give this to you. Inside are 10 crisp American $100 bills - $1000!" The man was from Kuwait.

Every believer needs to come to know Christ as their provider. Jehovah Jireh means God is my provider. When God called the Israelites from their place of slavery they had to walk through the desert. There is no way to earn a living in the desert. So God provided manna each day for them. Sometimes He even brought water from rocks. They had to experience a new way of gaining provision that was not rooted in sweat and toil. God had to demonstrate His faithfulness as Jehovah Jireh to His people.

There were times when Paul's tent making business was not the way God would provide for him. God often uses others as His instrument of provision. So, God sent Epaphroditus to take care of Paul's needs.

Do you know God as your provider? Do you have a need? Place your need before the Lord today and ask Him to demonstrate His faithfulness as Jehovah Jireh.

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