Friday, August 12, 2011

No GOOD Thing, Will Be Withheld

I checked my insurance coverage at midnight last night; disappointment fell on my heart as it still showed as pending.

When I awoke this morning, my first thought went to the insurance coverage, I knew I would have to check, but took my burdens to the Lord first.

My journal entry reads: 

“I am disappointed.  Still no insurance.  I’m not sure what to think – my mind is a fog of confusion and wondering why someone can’t do their job and ‘when’.”  (If I don’t have the surgery now, then I would have to wait until Chris’ Christmas break so someone would be here with me and the children.)  Softly the Lord spoke to my heart, “Stacey, state the facts.” 

~Fact 1 – I know that NO good thing will be withheld from me.  If the Lord wants me to have it, then nothing no man or being could do will stop it (delay it, possibly, but prevent it, nope.  If He wants it, then that settles it.)

~Fact 2 – I know if God is for me, then who can be against  me!

~Fact 3 – I know if God wants me to have this surgery, then it will happen.

I continued my journaling and praying as usual, then opened my Jesus Calling book by Sarah Young.  I am telling you, IF you do not have this book, you need to go it.  The very scripture I quoted as “NO good thing will be withheld from me” was one of the scriptures reference!   Romans 8:26, “And we know that in ALL things God works for the GOOD of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Finally my heart and mind were in agreement.  If God doesn’t want me to have this surgery, then I don’t want it.

As I began writing this post, to share what the Lord had shown me,


At 7:03 my phone rang!!!

Ya’ll, it was my caseworker.  She didn’t come back on Wednesday like her supervisor said she would, she just got back in this morning.  She said she would look at my case and see what is going on.  I thanked her for it over and over.  She didn’t understand why they didn’t work on it while she was out since surgery is pending and so close.

Then . . . . the phone rang AGAIN! 

The time was then 7:23.  It was my caseworker again.  She has reinstated my insurance!!!!  She said it will not show on the computer until after midnight tonight, but she would be more than happy to speak to my surgeon’s office to confirm the coverage!

I am in shock.  I had finally rendered the fact surgery would be postponed until Christmas break; was finally OK that whatever happens happens and FINALLY (shamefully) looked at the FACTS; and the Lord shows up.  He makes me laugh now that it is all over.  He has taught me something new in His timing. 

So, surgery will take place on my shoulder on Monday, August 15th at 9:30 a.m.  I would appreciate your prayers.  I have the best surgeon in the panhandle of Florida, and the Great Physician is overseeing it!

Whew!  What a relief!

Father, forgive me when I worry, doubt, and freak out.  Forgive me for doubting not only you, but myself.  Thank you for showing yourself this very morning within seconds of surrendering.  Go before me this day that I may accomplish all my work.  Thank you for meeting our needs.  I love you, Lord.  Amen.

Continuing to Walk in Victory,



eetomost said...


eetomost said...


Melissa Mason said...

Something I should do more often...praying your surgery goes well, quick and easy recovery.

Stacey said...

Thanks Ladies!