Thursday, February 3, 2011

Evidence of Christ

My personal, one on one time with the Lord has been non-existent for four months now. 

A book arrived at my house yesterday out of the blue.  It is Good Morning, Lord by Sheila Walsh.  For some reason it intrigued me.  Maybe the answer of my prayer that the Lord would make me want to spend time with him?  Hmm.  Maybe. 

While drinking my coffee this morning, I opened this book, just to see.  The Forward alone brought a sense of interest, so I went to the first page.

I found this book to not be a deep theologian type book, but a book of gentle wooing.  It was sweet and simple and the first page met me right where I am.

Today's time was titled, "Today I will look for evidence that you are in everything I encounter."  (For anyone that knows me, you know I have felt abandoned by God for the last five or six months.  While I am working my way through those "feelings" to bring victory to the facts, I also have to admit I have not been trying as hard as I should.)  The first sentence was a quote by Charles Finney:  "A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart."  From there, you're encouraged to find the Lord in EVERYTHING that occurs during your day.  Everything!

Within seconds, Kaitlyn spilled her bowl of cereal, not once, but twice!  I yelled, "Kaitlyn!" Instantly the Lord said, "STACEY! I am in everything. Find me." 

So today, my goal is to pause before reacting/responding and find Him, . . . . .  in everything.

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