Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Jackie Angel

This year, our Christmas Tree got decorated . . . . twice.

Yes, it fell over.

We purchased a potted live tree this year.  No base necessary.  But for some reason, the pot collapsed.

Regardless, the tree had to be redecorated.

As I went through the countless ornaments and fought frustration, and even anger of so many ornaments that were broken, it appeared that one, of extra special value was not broken.

This picture does not do it justice.

It is an ornament made out of noodles.  One ornament I received had a white face.  One a black face.

I was give this set of ornaments one night on Christmas Eve from a member of the Most Excellent Way.  The church was to be closed the night of our meeting, and we opened our home so those struggling with drugs and alcohol would have a place of fellowship during a time of so many relapses.

A dear friend and several ladies from the Charis House came.  My oldest daughter and I jokingly said, "Hey look, it's a Jackie angel!"  Ever since, when we hang the "Jackie angel" on our tree, Jackie gets prayed for.

This year, Jackie got prayed for twice.

As I type this, tears roll down my face; goosebumps rise, and cause me to wonder if that is why our Christmas tree fell over this year.

That makes me smile a little :)

Pray for those the Lord brings to mind.  There is a reason.  We may never know this side of glory, but there is a reason.

Merry Christmas :)

1 comment:

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

When someone is brought to mind, I think there is a reason. A prayer never hurt anyone....falling over Christmas tree sounds like one of those mishaps we deal with