Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Baby Turns 18!

I have intended to post this on the 13th, but life hasn’t been rather hectic.

My Kayla turned 18 on May 13th.  She had a great day and enjoyed the company of a few friends for dinner and cake. 

My little girl is growing up.  I’ve pulled up a few photos, but have many more to share one day soon…. couldn’t get them to be upright on some, so sorry for the side view.

These are a hodge podge of pictures from infancy to her Senior Prom.  I have many, many more to post, but am just not feeling too well.  I’ll add more in the next day or two of her gorgeous senior pictures we took at Pensacola Beach.

I pray, will all my heart that when people see Kayla, they not only see the outside beauty, but that her heart will shine through.

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