Sunday, February 24, 2013

Waiting . . . . It's A Good Thing

God has been speaking to my heart within the last six weeks (in response of a prayer), "Wait.  Your prayers have been answered, but they have been delayed."

This confused me.  I had never heard of such, but, at the time it didn't confuse me enough to search for answers.

I quickly forgot about it until last week, out of the blue, I was taking a friend to do some errands and she mentioned how God sent an angel to Daniel to tell him God has heard and answered his prayers, but that 'he' had been "detained by powers of darkness" (as one commentary put it).

I couldn't believe it!  I did a double take and tried sputtering out, "What?  What?  What?  I've never heard of that you gotta repeat and say it slower!"  lol

She was talking about the very thing God had already put on my heart weeks prior!

It is amazing how the Lord always gives a scripture when He is confirming movement.  This time, it is out of Daniel 9 and 10.

This morning, Christopher wanted to watch FireProof.  While watching, the song, "While I'm Waiting" was playing.

Once again, reminding me that my prayers have already been heard and answered, but they have been delayed.

Kind of gives me the umph needed to "get through," knowing those prayers are important enough that satan thinks he needs to delay them.

Waiting is hard.  It is painful.  It can be discouraging.  And quite frankly, I have no clue which prayer the Lord is referring to, but it doesn't matter.

He's got my back, and I'm thankful for that!



Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Amen! waiting is not easy...but He does have your back. I like that movie and song too

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder Stacey. Love you!!! Kim